223 West 700 South

Salt Lake City, UT 84101


(801) 364-6117




Street Address 562 West 200 North
City SLC
State - Zip Code UT 84116
Housing Type Special Needs Housing
Number of Units 16 Studio Apartments.
Rent Call for information.
Income Requirements 35% or less of Area Median Income (AMI)
Additional Property Information Utilities included in rent.
Parking available.
Companion/service animals only.
Laundry on site.
Partnership/Funding First Security Bank, State of Utah, Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City Corp., Salt Lake Redevelopment Agency and Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle
Management Utah Nonprofit Housing Corporation
Email sedona@unphc.org
Phone (801) 359-2160
Fax (801) 828-2860