223 West 700 South

Salt Lake City, UT 84101


(801) 364-6117




by | Aug 7, 2020 | Education, Featured

“August is like the Sunday of Summer”, and on that note, we hope you’re taking advantage of being outside, tasting some summer bounty, and enjoying the tapering off of the season as we prepare to get back to school, at any age!

UNPHC EDx topic for the month of August is indeed, Education.

For those with children attending school: COVID-19 is still affecting our day to day life, and at the time of this writing (Mid-July) the Utah School Districts are still deciding upon how to manage opening in a safe and effective way.

The openings will be different depending on what school district you are in. This link will take you to a School District Directory.


As we continue to watch our world have deeper conversations around race we feel this it is timely to offer some educational opportunities to deepen our understanding.

We have partnered with YWCA Utah and on August 1 we will launch a 21 Day Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge. It is for all ages.

We have chosen to further our education and encourage community conversations by embarking on the Challenge, which is designed to create dedicated time and space to learn about racial equity and build more effective social justice habits.

We hope you will join us. We will launch and manage it from our Facebook page here, you can join anytime!


Our UNPHC EdX Monthly video will continue the theme of education around equity and social justice, with an interview with Josiane Petit, a local advocate and educator for racial equity and understanding. It will be posted to our YouTube channel on August 20th. Go to this link, or look up the Utah NonProfit Housing channel on Youtube.


In the meantime, if you’re looking to sharpen your educational edge, here is a list of 25 free online courses.


Take care, mask up, stay safe, and stay healthy!



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