223 West 700 South

Salt Lake City, UT 84101


(801) 364-6117




by | May 1, 2019 | Civic Engagement, Featured

Your vote is your voice. Your voice is your power. Your power is real. 

The Month of May is Civic Engagement Month. In the words of Lara Jones and Billy Palmer of KRCL’s radioactive; Voting is the single most important thing you can do to make change in your community. To that end, UNPHC will be partnering with Voterise.org to host Voter Registration activities. Stay tuned and your property managers will have more information about these events. 

To learn more and hear from Lara and Billy from KRCL be sure to join this month’s UNPHC Edx Learning community module. The third Thursday at 3pm, and the following Saturday at 3pm. See your property manager for more details. 

There is more to being an active part of your community though, and once you’ve caught the bug of taking part in your community – it’s hard to stop. You’ll find community, fun, and a way to make a difference. 

In the meantime, here are some easy tips, and websites on how to get a little more involved. 

Wondering who, what, and why to vote? The Utah League of Women’s Voters has all the info: 


Interested in knowing more about what’s going on in your neighborhood? Listen to RadioActive at 90.9, at 6pm every weekday.  

KRCL.org/community affairs 

Those of us who live at poverty level or near, are not alone. Join with tens of thousands of people across the country to challenge systemic racism, poverty, and how to make a difference: 

Poor Peoples Campaign: tiny.cc/utahppc

Neighborworks is painting murals, holding leadership training, and listening to what you need in your neighborhood. Check them out here: 

Neighborworks: www.nwsaltlake.org

You know who changes the world? People that show up. Here is how and where. Councils need you! Advisory Boards need you! And your caucus needs you! 

Salt Lake City Community Councils: www.slc.gov/community-councils/

Salt Lake City Advisory Boards: www.slc.gov/boards/

Find your neighborhood Caucus info: /www.utah.gov/government/caucus.html 

Who represents me? le.utah.gov





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