223 West 700 South

Salt Lake City, UT 84101


(801) 364-6117




by | Oct 4, 2019 | Education, Featured

As the kids head off to school, and the weather sharpens a bit, we want to help all of our residents with the tools they need to keep up in the new digital world. Digital Inclusion and Literacy is important for all age groups. For seniors, digital resources can offer connection with distant families and friends, online classes, resources specific to Seniors needs, entertainment, and the fun of learning something new.

For students and families, digital inclusions is a must to keep up on studies, connect with teachers, and sort resources, schedules, and stay ahead of the game. 

Be sure to join this months UNPHC Edx Learning community module. The third Thursday at 3pm- September 19th, and the following Saturday September 21st at 3pm. See your property manager for more details. Or log onto our YouTube channel and join the fun from home: Go to youtube.com and enter Utah Non Profit Housing Corporation in the search bar. 

Our company goal of Digital Inclusion for our residents is a 4-step process.

First, access to a computer (preferably not your phone)

If you don’t currently have a computer, here are some links for low-cost, to no-cost laptops and desktop computers:


If PC’s for People can’t help, this site has 27 other ideas on how to get a free laptop:

Access to the internet. If you haven’t signed up with our Partners at Comcast for Internet Essentials, your property manager has all the information, It’s $10 per month, and if you are a resident at our properties, you qualify.  

This link provides some other low-cost internet options:

Digital Literacy

Learning how to access the websites, portals, and links you need to be a digital citizen. YouTube is actually a great resource for learning digital skills, as well as a resource for how-to’s in many areas.  The UNPHC YouTube channel listed above is a great place to start!

Also, here is a great ‘how-to’ for YouTube

Stay connected and keep learning with us as we continue to offer resources, websites, training, and more.  Libraries are a great resource for furthering your Digital adventure. Click here to find a library near you, and what programs they might offer:

In conclusion, let’s keep our young people safe in the digital world!~

Young people are immersed in technology in ways previous generations could not have imagined. Common Sense Media has compiled this list of resources for parents seeking advice and information about how to help their children explore smartly and stay safe: 

See you online!

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