223 West 700 South

Salt Lake City, UT 84101


(801) 364-6117




by | May 3, 2024 | Featured, Lifestyle

Whether you are trying to find a healthy relationship, start a family, commit to strengthening the one you have, work to improve your parenting or build a successful stepfamily, USU can help.

We really like the course about parenting with love and logic, for parents who want to learn skills to raise responsible children, and how to enjoy the process. It’s all about building a relationship with your child and reducing strain. What’s not to love?!


If you’re a parent needing immediate help with childcare, dialing 211 is an incredible resource. They will help you find childcare options, as well as offer resources for parenting and childhood development. Everything from basic needs to services that can assist with things like housing, child care, and medical care can help families manage stress.

It’s as simple as dialing 211 on your phone. This is a service provided by the United Way.

To check them out online, go here:


The Americorps Senior Foster Grandparent Program exists to engage Americans 55 years and older in volunteer service and to provide one-on-one support to children with special needs to improve their academic, social, or emotional development. The volunteers in this program help children learn to read and provide one-on-one tutoring; mentor troubled teenagers and young mothers; care for premature infants or children with disabilities; and help children who have been abused or neglected. If you are interested go to Americorp and find out more.




We wish you good health and much happiness.


A few more resources for our UNPHC EdX topic of the month: Family Living & Child Care


Are you looking for childcare or assistance in paying for it? USU can help you sort it all out, and also has grants should you be thinking of starting a childcare business. 


In addition www.Childcare.gov can offer all types of information regarding the how to‘s and the how to not!

It could be that your greatest need is to get out of the house and run out some of that spring fever, if this is the case, this link has all types of free family and senior activities.


If the situation is a little more dire, please look to the Family Support Center, they offer crisis nurseries. A safe haven for parents and children, offering respite for any caregivers who need a break—no matter the reason. 

https://www.familysupportcenter.org/ Or call 801-955-9110

Hunger is a real issue not only globally, but often in our backyard, or our own cupboards. Here is a great link where you can find the nearest free food pantry near you. 

https://www.utahfoodbank.org/find-a-pantry/ or call (801) 978-2452.

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