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by | Nov 1, 2024 | Featured, Financial

Good June to you!

Nothing puts a twinkle in the eye and a spark in a step like the words “Financial Literacy Month.”

Obviously, we jest.

But what does inspire twinkles and lightness, is a little extra change in your pocket, a healthier bank account, and tools to lift yourself out of debt and have some clear sailing. And that’s what we are going to lean into this month.

With our partners at Key Bank we will be hosting 7 financial literacy modules at our Comcast LiftZone sites. We will keep you posted on dates and how to attend.

Topics will include repairing credit, avoiding scams, home-ownership, teaching real-life money smarts regarding your personal financial vision, money personality, tracking expenses, budgeting, managing debt, understanding credit, and saving money when possible

“There is sometimes an underlying belief that lower-income Americans don’t know how to manage their money as well as the rich do — when the exact opposite is true. The very nature of poverty means that the poor are often the savviest budgeters of us all. This is borne out of necessity. If you have limited income, the daily tradeoffs you face prompt you to watch your finances more closely.” Matt Darling, VP of Ideas42, Harvard University

We agree with Matt, and look forward to helping you on a journey to more stability with our Financial Literacy modules


We wish you good health and
much happiness.


A few more resources for our UNPHC EdX topic of the month: Financial Literacy

As usual, our friends at USU Extension have great resources for us! This link is a world of wonder in terms of free workshops.


From the office of the Comptroller of the Currency, we have a Financial Literacy Resource Directory filled with free resources for people of all incomes.


Medallion Bank offers a free online course, Dollars and Sense, that can take you from paycheck-to-paycheck living (or less) to a more solid and peaceful financial outcome.


Cultivating a keen awareness for how our emotions can dictate our relationship to money gives us the power to transform our financial future.


If you delve into personal finance books, blogs, or podcasts, it often appears that the advice targets individuals who aren’t necessarily in the top 1% but still enjoy a comfortable income and have attained a level of financial success. But what about everyone else? It raises the
question: where is the financial guidance for those on a lower income? Here is a great article with tips and links to help you.


Enjoy these links and resources, and let us know what you think! We look forward to seeing you at our Comcast Lift Zones for a more in depth dive.

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