223 West 700 South

Salt Lake City, UT 84101


(801) 364-6117




by | Apr 13, 2021 | Civic Engagement

It’s April, and we are seeing the beginning of spring, and the hope new era “Post-COVID-19” We are not there yet, but we are inching ever closer. While we will still take precautions, wear masks, and distance where possible, it’s going to feel a lot less isolating. And, what better way to celebrate the numbers dropping, than getting active in your community?

Registering friends to vote, getting active on boards and councils, and caucusing are all worthy and easy ways to create the community you want. Volunteering for food banks, or whatever strikes your heart chords will brighten your day and others.  Change is made by those who show up.

Not sure how to connect to volunteering? Volunteers of America/Utah will help you find a place to offer your services.

Registering voters, and keeping apprised of what’s happening is always on-trend: The Utah League of Women’s Voters has all the info (for all genders).

People that show up create their communities. Here is how and where Councils need you! Advisory Boards need you! And your caucus needs you!
Salt Lake City Community Councils
Salt Lake City Advisory Boards
Find your Caucus 

Interested in knowing more about what’s going on in your neighborhood? Listen to RadioActive at 90.9, at 6 pm every weekday.

Those of us who live at or near the poverty level are not alone. Join with tens of thousands of people across the country to challenge systemic racism, poverty, and how to make a difference: Poor Peoples Campaign 

Neighborworks is, holding leadership training for our youth, and listening to what you need in your neighborhood. Check them out here: YouthWorks 

Much of our activism and engagement will still take place online, and here is a guide on how to do so effectively. Great tips on Zooming, Skyping, and getting the work done while keeping the COVID numbers down: VIEW GUIDE

Happy April! Stay safe, get vaccinated, and be well!



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