223 West 700 South

Salt Lake City, UT 84101


(801) 364-6117




by | Nov 4, 2022 | Education, Medical/Health Resources

At UNPHC we love November.

A Month of gratitude and harvest, and a perfect time to think about the topic of family living and childcare.

Our friends at USU extension have some great FREE online and in person courses!

Whether you are trying to find a healthy relationship, committed to strengthening the one you have, working to improve your parenting, or building a successful step-family, USU can help.  Sign up for free classes!

(We really like the course about parenting with love and logic, for parents who want to learn skills to raise responsible children, and how to enjoy the process. It’s all about building the relationship with your child and reducing strain.)  What’s not to love!


If you’re a parent needing immediate help with childcare, dialing 211 is an incredible resource. They will help you find childcare options, as well as offer resources for parenting and childhood development. Everything from basic needs to services that can assist with things like housing, child care, and medical care can help families manage stress.

It’s as simple as dialing 211 on your phone. This is a service provided by the United Way.

To check them out online, go here:


One of our favorite reads for learning more about healthy families at all ages, is the Live Well Utah Blog. With topics such as “How to handle holiday stress” which…we know is on approach.


Our UNPHC EdX video this month will focus on what we have in store for 2023, and how you can be a part of it! Watch the video, join the survey, and receive a gift card and, be entered to win a free Chromebook. Check it out on our UNPHC YouTube channel or on our website at www.unphc.org, and as always, our Facebook page!

In the meantime, we hope your November is filled with gratitude, kindness, and …. Pie.

Here is 50 of our favorite recipes!


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